Friday, January 31, 2014

Last Minute Panic

It's not a Rachel trip without a good last minute panic. Obviously, everything is going to be fine, ect, ect, but I STILL MUST PANIC. It's little things, really. I didn't start packing up my dorm room until last night, so it was a rush to get it done. My suitcase is smaller than I remembered so I can't take as much stuff as I wanted (there will be a upcoming post on "stuff," I'm sure, and how I'm doing without a lot of it). Then my suitcase ripped when I was repacking it. I'm still not sure it's going to be under 50 pounds. I just keep telling myself that it's going to be okay, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY.

On a positive note, I had some really excellent goodbyes before I left. The first wave was my lovely friends we refer to as the Ordal Crew, who came in just like the big, loud, inappropriate family that they are and gave me lots of love and hugs. Later the other half of my friends came by for ice cream and an entire package of Oreos. Also gummy worms. It just made me realize how much I really love my friends-every one of them. I don't know how common it is to really like your friends (I imagine it's less common than I like to think), but I'm so glad that I do.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be in London! Wish me luck!

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